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Finished  3:2
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Europe , Europa Conference League
Finished  2:4
Prediction:Over 2.75

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Poland , Polish Cup
Finished  1:2
Prediction:Over 2.75

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News - Latest commission from the commissioner:Play faster and there will be no clock


Latest commission from the commissioner:Play faster and there will be no clock

 Latest commission from the commissioner:Play faster and there will be no clock

MLB commission commissioner Rob Manfred decided to rely on diplomacy instead of taking advantage of the strength of negotiations with the MLBPA to increase the pace of play. The players` syndicate received a final offer with a variety of suggestions to shorten the duration of the matches. If they are accepted -;and bring the expected results, will postpone and even prevent the introduction of a potter`s watch. Thanks to a clause in the collective agreement, Manfred has the right, this time alone, to introduce the timer in question, limiting the time between two throws to 18-20 seconds after the 2017 notice. However, the lawyer is willing to give up the idea if, in 2018 and 2019, players show that they can dynamize the games altogether. Here`s what the final goal frame for the Major League goals is:

- The average duration of matches in 2018 will fall below 2, 55. If this does not happen, in 2019 an 18-second clock for the pitchers. If the goal is achieved, the new task will be in 2019 to go below 2, 50. If this does not happen, the timer will come into force in 2020. When successful, the idea of ??a stopwatch is frozen. The League insists on limiting the pitcher hike to coaches and team-mates up to six per game, with the ultimate goal of being reduced to five.

- Introduce a time limit for the warm up of the pitchers between the innings and the expeditious appearance of the hoamese batteries so that the game is resumed immediately after the advertising breaks.

- MLB is ready to accept MLBPA`s proposal to resume the practice of reloading with rifle carts. Where possible, this will happen as early as 2018 and 2019.

- The MLB is ready to discuss the contraction of the 30-second window in which managers have the right to challenge a judging solution and request a video repetition, as wellreducing the number of allowed appeals.

- Advertising pauses must be fixed for local shows (2:05 min), national broadcasts (2:25 min. ) And play-offs (2:55 min)

From the New York officedid not set a specific deadline for the MLBPA to respond to the bid. Rob Manfred, however, made it clear that at the latest by the start of the spring training on Feb. 13, the league must have clarity about the course of action needed.

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