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Besiktas - Ankaragucu
Turkey , Turkish Cup
Finished  1:0
Prediction:Under 2.75

Vozdovac - Zeleznicar Pancevo
Serbia , Super Liga
Finished  2:3
Prediction:Under 2.25

Montrose - Inverness
Scotland , Championship
Finished  0:0
Prediction:Inverness -1

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News - Choolo shoved for a sarcastic gesture


Choolo shoved for a sarcastic gesture

 Choolo shoved for a sarcastic gesture

Atletico Madrid coach Diego Simeone was penalized not to lead his team on the bench for three games because of his defeat during a defeat against Sevilla on the 1/4-Cup Finals of Spain on Tuesday. The penalty applies only to the race in question, and eventually will be enforced next season because the Sofia citizens have already dropped out.

Ciolo was sent to the stands because of a tumultuous discontent with the judge`s judgments. Under the rules of expulsion, one meeting penalty is given, and the other two in the case are because of the sarcastic applause by Simeone.

Athletes lost the dispute with a total score of 2:5.

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