VIP prediction:

Kirchheimer - Rain/Lech
Germany , Oberliga Bayern Sud
Finished  0:2
Prediction:Over 2.75

Mulheimer FC 97 - Homberg
Germany , Oberliga Niederrhein
Finished  2:4
Prediction:Over 2.75

FeralpiSalo - Brescia
Italy , Serie B
Finished  2:2
Prediction:Under 2.25

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News - How the monkey kicked off a match, a scandal with spit in Australia and 72 goals in 23 games


How the monkey kicked off a match, a scandal with spit in Australia and 72 goals in 23 games

 How the monkey kicked off a match, a scandal with spit in Australia and 72 goals in 23 games

We have seen some non-standard ways to start a football game, but no one has ever taken the bold decision to start a meeting. . monkey. Yes, a real monkey. Such appeared at the Osaka stadium before the Japanese Cup match between Serezo and Kobe, causing huge smiles on the faces of footballers, officials and spectators on the stands. The little animal played his role before the first referee signal, symbolically handing the ball to the chief referee. The whole situation can be seen in the latest edition of the World Cup World Cup Survey. Through it you will witness another curious but far more scandalous situation in the Australian Championship match where two players got red cards after one decided to express anger with a spit on the other.

Of course, the main accent will again fall on beautiful goals, dramatic outings and all the most important facts from the big club championships around the world.

Nice viewing!

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