VIP prediction:

Kirchheimer - Rain/Lech
Germany , Oberliga Bayern Sud
Finished  0:2
Prediction:Over 2.75

Mulheimer FC 97 - Homberg
Germany , Oberliga Niederrhein
Finished  2:4
Prediction:Over 2.75

FeralpiSalo - Brescia
Italy , Serie B
Finished  2:2
Prediction:Under 2.25

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News - Germany expected crashed Kazakhstan


Germany expected crashed Kazakhstan

 Germany expected crashed Kazakhstan

Estimated Germany beat Kazakhstan 4:0 at home and thus remained a leader in its qualifying group "A". Bundestimat not met no resistance and managed to reach the classical lead only to break.

The result of the Fritz-Walter Shtadion was still open in 2 minutes. Bastian Schweinsteiger centered perfectly in the penalty area where Miroslav Klose to head stuck the ball in the net.

Only 20 minutes later the visitors had to draw the ball a second time by its network. Then Mestu Jozias swung the ball into the penalty area from a direct free kick, and there Thomas Mueller faltering ahead of defenders and head of Kazakhstan rose to 2:0. In the 43-minute defeat hosts the meeting. Again Mesut Jozias assist Mueller with a very thin pass in the penalty area and striker for Bayern (Munich) was such an easy game to make guests helpless goalkeeper for the third time.

After the break Bundestimat slow down, but totally still holds the initiative in the fight.

We ended up 88 th minute when after an assist Sammy Kedira, Klose formed around 4:0.

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