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Molde - Sarpsborg 08
Norway , Nm Cup
8 05 2024, 18:00
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News - Wenger: 'We don't have as much money as the other teams.'


Wenger: 'We don't have as much money as the other teams.'

 Wenger: 'We don't have as much money as the other teams.'

'Arsenal can afford to buy expensive players, but only when they have the necessary qualities', said the Londoners' manager Arsene Wenger. He added that if his team is attracting players, he's doing it because of the qualities of the players, not just the quantity.
'We are not afraid of spending, but we want to do it for quality, not quantity. Arsenal was built in this way as a club and we intend to continue with the transfer policy. We don't have as much money as other teams in the Premier League, but we don't like to talk about this topic. I want to assure you that we're not afraid to make transfers and work daily in this direction.', said the manager of the Gooners.
'In my life, I have done 400 transfers and I do not like to rush into things. I do it because I'm not the only person who decides the parameters around transactions.', added the French specialis

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